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Dentists Albania Dental Crown. Types of crowns, materials, advantages and costs

Dental crowns in porcelain
Dental crowns in porcelain or composite represent solutions that give excellent aesthetic results and have the characteristic of protecting the teeth for their chewing function.
Dentisti Albania Corona Dentale. Tipi di corone, materiali, vantaggi e costi

They are made in the laboratory and are fixed by cementation on natural teeth, while on dental implants they can also be fixed with screws.

Dental crowns are also used in implantology , for the replacement of a single tooth: the single crown on implant. The implant acts as a new root for the crown (artificial tooth) which replaces the missing tooth.

Types of dental crowns, materials used, advantages and costs

The first prosthesis that will be placed on a patient is the temporary one, made of plastic or stainless steel.

The provisional prosthesis

The provisional prosthesis serves only to not leave a too conspicuous "hole" in the dental arch while a customized crown is manufactured.

When we talk about permanent prostheses , destined to last as long as possible, according to the support on which they are placed, but also the position, the crowns are made of different materials of which the most frequent are:

  • All-ceramic crowns

Empress all-ceramic crowns, Emax

Empress all-ceramic crowns , Emax are produced with the finest ceramic. This solution allows the maximum aesthetic result. to be manufactured exactly in the color of other natural teeth and therefore to be indistinguishable in the arch. Furthermore, they do not involve the risk of allergies that exists in the case of non-noble metal alloys.

The risk of wear, breakage, chipping

However, the risk of wear, breakage, chipping, is certainly higher and there is a need to reduce the size of the underlying tooth more than in the previous proposal

Dentisti Albania. Corona in ceramica integrale
  • Metal resin crowns

The metallic coating is made in contact with the reduced tooth. However, only some areas are coated with tooth-colored resin. Usually an area of metal is left exposed in areas subject to chewing wear. A simpler and cheaper technique , but still with excellent functional results.

gold and alloys of various types of metal

Various types of metal are possible, the most precious being gold and gold alloys. That is, precious alloys that contain gold and other noble metals such as palladium, silver, etc. The cheapest are surgical steels, which allow a significant lowering of the final price of the crowns without significantly changing the final aesthetic result.

  • All metal.

Made of a non-noble metal alloy , they tolerate chewing very well and wear out more slowly than other choices. They fragment or break very rarely. There are also those made of an alloy with gold (noble metal), which to the advantages of the previous ones, add a high compatibility with the tissues of the mouth. In addition, the “all metal” option provides for a minimum “filing” of the tooth to be encapsulated. The only real disadvantage is the color: they are not white and it is impossible to confuse them with a natural tooth.

Corona Metalo-Resina. Dentisti Albania
Corona in Metalo-ceramica. Union Dental Tirana
  • Metal-ceramic crowns

A thin metal coating envelops the tooth, Hybrids made to combine the positive aspects of the 2 “purist” solutions.

The inner capsule is made of metal, the outer one is made of porcelain

The internal metal capsule makes the prosthesis more resistant than those of porcelain only but maintaining the excellent aesthetics of these, thanks to the external porcelain. in certain cases they represent the only possible solution, for example. in bridges that have large distances due to the loss of multiple teeth .

Dentisti Albania. Corona-Zirconio
  • Zirconium-ceramic crowns

Zirconium-ceramic crowns (zirconium core covered with fine ceramic), from an aesthetic point of view it is the best crown.

The most perfect smile with CAD-CAM technology

Thanks to the transparency , these crowns appear completely natural and are the right choice for those patients who want a perfect smile . It is made on the spot using. CAD-CAM technology Smaller bridges can be made in a few days.

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