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Dentists Albania. Endodontics, Endodontic treatment, Dental caries

Endodontics is the medical science that deals with tooth injuries, diseases and related treatments for internal tooth tissues. When these tissues or the tissues surrounding the dental root become ill or damaged due to caries or trauma, endodontic treatment allows to save the tooth. Endodontic therapy also called root canal therapy or devitalization is the primary therapy also to eliminate cysts and granulomas. .

Dentisti Albania. Endodonzia, Trattamento endodontico, La carie dentaria

Endodontic treatment

Endodontic treatment is an outpatient dental intervention that is necessary when the pulp and soft tissue inside the tooth is inflamed or infected due to damage caused by deep caries, by the outcome of operations on the tooth, or by a trauma that caused fracture or chipping or deep crack.

  • The dental pulp

The dental pulp , known as the tooth nerve, is a specialized tissue made up of arteries, veins, nerve endings, and connective cells. In the age of development this tissue has the function of forming the calcified supporting structure of the dentine tooth in the adult, when growth is complete, the pulp remains confined to the pulp chamber and root canals, with residual functions of sensitivity to cold and hydration of the dentin .

  • Tooth decay

Various pathological situations can intervene to disturb the state of pulp health, the most frequent of which is dental caries , i.e. the progressive decalcification and destruction of the hard tissues of the tooth due to the action of microorganisms present in the bacterial plaque .

If you do not intervene promptly, the cavity produced by caries enlarges and deepens and extends until the pulp is reached by the bacteria with irreversible transformations due to the infection. When this stage is reached, the conservative treatment that allows to keep the tooth avoiding extraction is endodontic therapy , or root canal treatment or even more improperly devitalization . In general , Endodontics aims to preserve teeth that have received severe damage to their structure that has led to infection and necrosis of the pulp, with acute or chronic repercussions of the surrounding tissues, more or less painful. Modern Endodontics makes use of sophisticated instruments for diagnosis and therapy , such as the surgical stereo microscope, innovative biomaterials, instrumentation in special alloys.

Endodonzia.Terapia Canalare. Dentisti Albania

Symptoms and treatment of tooth decay

Caries may not show any early signs of its presence, or the symptoms are so mild that they do not cause concern. This occurs especially in the early stages, but often even in the face of complete destruction of the tooth the patient may not report any particular discomfort and may even be surprised at what happened without pain.

  • Periodic check-up at the dentist

Only with the periodic check-up by the dentist - which must be carried out even in the absence of pain - is it possible to verify its presence from the earliest stages and intervene with an early and therefore limited therapy , minimizing damage and avoiding sudden pain and emergency treatment . Pain therefore, in the case of the teeth, is not a reliable warning signal nor an index of the severity of the damage: the solution is a periodic visit to the dentist.

  • Sensitivity to cold

Excessive sensitivity to cold is a symptom to be taken into consideration, but it is not a unique indication of the presence of a caries . It can also be caused by uncovering at the level of the necks due to periodontal disease, by abrasion from a toothbrush used incorrectly, or by a particular acidity of the oral cavity, erosion by excessive intake of acidic foods such as citrus fruits or vinegar, or by situations pathological conditions such as gastroesophageal reflux. Grinding ( bruxism ), or cracks can also give rise to hypersensitivity to cold.

Endodonzia. carie dentaria. Dentisti Albania

Moreover, the sign of pain in the cold or even in sweet or salty foods is completely absent in teeth already treated endodontically. The sensitive part is the pulp and if the pulp is in necrosis, or has been removed for a previous root canal therapy , this symptom is missing. It should be noted in this regard that caries attacks both healthy teeth and teeth previously treated or devitalized indifferently and with the same intensity.

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