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Dentists Albania. Dental veneers, types, advantages and lasting

Dentisti Albania. Faccette dentali, tipologie, vantaggi e duratura

What are dental veneers?

Dental veneers , also known as “aesthetic veneers” - veneers, are thin layers made of ceramic or porcelain and are usually the best aesthetic solution for achieving a perfect smile . They are applied on the external surface of one or more teeth in case of small teeth or teeth with an irregular surface, truncated, abraded, teeth with small holes, with caries or diastemas. With the veneers, irregularities, aesthetic or functional defects both relating to an imperfect shape or size, but also to spots of color are corrected and a perfect and youthful smile is created. Furthermore, the application of veneers is also recommended to correct the chewing function compromised by congenital defects, in cases where one or more teeth are crooked and do not allow to perform an efficient chewing.

The dental veneers are applied with a particular, invisible glue that guarantees maximum adhesion to the surface of the tooth, masking imperfections without resorting to evasive intervention, they are applied without anesthesia , always without causing any pain to the patient and without damaging the tooth enamel. Veneers are usually used by show and sports personalities to obtain a perfect smile

Types of aesthetic veneers, advantages and duration

There are different types of dental veneers, made with different materials, which vary according to the thickness and material, according to the type of problem to be solved. Generally the thickness of a veneer ranges from 0.3 mm to 0.7 mm, and the size must exactly correspond to that of the tooth on which it will be applied.

  • The ceramic and porcelain veneers.

The most common indirect veneers and performance are ceramic and porcelain, these foils are aesthetically beautiful, functional and durable, they are highly fragile and so you have to pay close attention during the test and application on the tooth.

Dental veneers are a lasting solution and can even exceed 10 years of life, but to ensure that they last as long as possible, a series of conditions are necessary in addition to the type of material, cleaning and oral hygiene also affect , care and maintenance

  • The composite veneers.

The direct composite veneers are modeled directly on the patient's tooth with composite material, used for the fillings they last less than those in ceramic and porcelain, their duration is estimated around 3 years. they tend to chip and stain much faster, but have the advantage of being able to be restored in a single session and lower costs.

Composite veneers are usually done in one session. The procedure consists in the application and adhesion of the composite to the tooth surface. The enamel and structure of the teeth are not damaged because there is no need for grinding.

Estetica del sorriso intraorale ed extra
  • Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of the composite is that it requires only one session for the application, because the veneers are layered directly on the tooth. They do not need any type of anesthesia and are minimally invasive for any dental aesthetic imperfection. Composite dental veneers are the cheapest and report an immediate result.

The main advantage of this technique is its harmlessness. The tooth does not suffer, anesthesia is not provided. The veneer is simply attached to the tooth, which, under the composite, retains its original natural state;

Unlike porcelain veneers, composite veneers can be retouched or repaired directly in the mouth without redoing all the work. Any deterioration or malfunction or modification can be solved easily and in a short time,

Thanks to proper maintenance and care, composite veneers can last in good condition indefinitely.

The color stability of composites is lower than that of porcelain and, over the years, tends to darken;

Composite veneers may also fracture, although the problem can be easily solved without completely changing the veneer;

Maintenance of the veneers

To keep the dental veneers always in excellent condition to preserve the health of the teeth and prolong the integrity of the laminae over time, there are some indications to follow:

  • Avoid smoke, which could stain the ceramic,

  • Do not chew foods that are too hard which could damage or chip part of the foil, never bite your nails,

  • Avoid massive intake of beverages, soft drinks that tend to stain the teeth such as tea, coffee or wine in order not to affect the color of the foils

  • Clean your teeth often, at least three times a day, also rubbing your teeth well with the plates to avoid the accumulation of tartar and to protect teeth and gums from plaque, use dental floss at least once a day.

  • Have a professional cleaning at your dentist once every 6-12 months

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