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Oral hygiene, teeth cleaning, home and professional oral hygiene,

L'igiene orale, La pulizia dei denti, igeiene orale domiciliare e professionale,

What is dental hygiene?

Dental hygiene is a more crucial treatment than oral hygiene, since it touches almost all the most sensitive structures and its incorrect application can quickly worsen the health of the mouth.

It is very important to brush your teeth after the main meals. Brushing acts mostly by mechanical force, while toothpaste has the task of helping it, freshening the breath and other specific functions depending on the composition, but it remains an adjuvant to this function.

Like the dental examination , teeth cleaning should also be performed twice a year (depending on each individual patient): it is a basic treatment to maintain a constant state of health of the dental enamel and gums.

Home oral hygiene.

Dental hygiene fundamentally completes daily home oral hygiene. Taking care of your mouth every day, in fact, is necessary, but it is not enough.

Dental hygiene carried out by a hygienist every 6-12 months (depending on each individual patient) allows you to reach the areas less accessible with household tools (toothbrush, toothpaste, dental floss and brush) and to thoroughly remove plaque, tartar and bacteria.

The regularity of dental hygiene treatments prevents the formation of caries and all its consequences: from simple inflammations of the gums to the most serious cases of pyorrhea , passing through periodontitis .

  • How is dental hygiene performed?

The treatment is performed with a specific instrument, a scaler equipped with a metal tip made vibrating thanks to the emission of ultrasounds.

The passage of the scaler allows you to remove tartar from the dental walls, even from those normally not reachable during daily home oral hygiene.

The treatment is completed with the passage of a rotating brush, which distributes a specific fluorine-based paste on the teeth: all to polish any roughness of the enamel layer.

L'igiene orale domiciliare. Dentisti Albania
Igiene orale. Filo interdentale. Dentisti Albania

Professional oral hygiene

What we have been talking about, however, is only personal dental hygiene.
There is also professional dental and oral hygiene , which cannot be dispensed with.

Only the dentist or dental hygienist can perform certain cleaning interventions, such as the ablation of tartar .

In addition, during an oral hygiene session, periodic checks can be carried out to avoid the presence or worsening of pathological conditions for teeth and mouth. It is advisable to carry out a periodic check-up visit , at a frequency to be decided together with a professional.

For this reason, our entire network of clinics offers a first diagnostic and preventive visit without obligation.

Dentisti Albania. L'igiene orale professionale
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