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Implantology, dental implants, fixed teeth. What is a dental implant

How is an implant surgery performed, immediate loading implantology, computer guided implantology

Dental implantology consists in the replacement of one or more missing teeth with artificial roots, in most cases made of titanium , which become the anchors for fixing dental prostheses , which are most often fixed.

How is an implant surgery performed

Implantology is a more complex therapy but, at the same time, the safest and most durable, it is a reliable, efficient, fast and constantly evolving surgical- prosthetic technique . The techniques of implantology are varied, some require time to be made fully available while others are immediate.

Dental implant surgery is generally performed under local anesthesia. During the operation, the dentist grafts the implant into the maxillary or mandibular bone, followed by a phase of integration of the implant with the bone that lasts from four to 6 months. During this healing period, the patient is fitted with temporary teeth, (crowns or temporary prostheses). At the end of the healing phase, crowns , bridges or prostheses (definitive teeth) are inserted.

Dental implantology when does it cost?

The price depends on the techniques and materials used, as well as the type of work that must be performed on the individual patient. No two dental implants are alike, because no two people with the same bone conformation and the same need exist.

For this reason, therefore, the cost in implantology depends on the type of materials, from person to person according to the bone conformation so also the cost of implantology for the upper arch can be very different compared to the lower arch, so to stipulate a quote final it is necessary to analyze several elements that affect the price .

Union dental Tirana - Impianto dentale - Protesi dentaria

Immediate loading implantology - computer guided implantology

Immediate loading implantology is a minimally invasive technique, which allows you to have your teeth fixed on the same day (24-48 hours). This technique is used above all for the rehabilitation of full arches and offers a valid alternative to traditional implantology. Immediate loading implantology is not painful.

This technique may not be suitable for all patients. For this reason the first visit to the studio is essential.

Thanks to a 3D CT scan of the mandible and / or maxilla, together with the 3D CT scan of a dental prosthesis built by simulating the final fixed prosthesis - radiological template, and to a three-dimensional processing software of the structures radiographed with the CT scan, the implants are virtually inserted dental avoiding all the surgical risk areas, respecting axes and optimal inclinations according to the bone and provided to the positioning of future teeth.

Fixed teeth even with insufficient bone

In case of not finding enough bone to insert the implants, there are two solutions to obtain a fixed denture equally.

  • The first is to resort to bone grafting , an effective solution but which involves a longer and more tiring path for the patient.

  • The second option is to use juxtaosseous implants , i.e. titanium structures, made with the CAD CAM technique, which instead of being placed inside the bone, are anchored to the surface of the same.

This technique allows implants to be placed even in edentulous (toothless) patients for many years, who typically have this condition. Furthermore, there is no lengthening in terms of timing, since on the same day as the surgery described above, the previously developed fixed prosthesis is cemented on these structures.

Implantologica compiuter guidata. Dentisti Albania
  • Immediate loading implantology pros and cons.

Summarizing, the main advantages of using modern computer-assisted implantology compared to traditional implantology are:

  • Fixed teeth in 24-48 hours

  • Pain relief

  • No bone grafting (preliminary surgeries)

  • They do not incise and unglue the gums

  • No stitches

  • Reduction of post-operative trauma

The disadvantages of immediate loading implantology consist in the fact that this technique, even if in a very low percentage, cannot be applied to all patients. The dentist will decide, in agreement with the patient, after a first visit to the office. It must be borne in mind that if the patient smokes , does not take care of hygiene and does not perform periodic check-ups after the implantology, it is very likely that problems will arise over time.

Ultimately, the risks for implantology are very few and can be summarized in postoperative bleeding, swelling and slight tingling (especially when you are in the vicinity of some nerves) which regress in a few days. These risks are greatly reduced with computer assisted implant surgery.

Dental implants, what they are, durability and maintenance

In dental implantology there are various approaches aimed at solving individual problems, from the absence of a tooth to the complete lack of teeth. Plus, you can create a new smile in just one day. Implant systems support various surgical and prosthetic solutions in all types of therapeutic indications and have an appearance and function similar to those of natural teeth. Thanks to the fixed implants, patients can chew and speak normally.

What is a dental implant? - The techniques applied and its components

A dental implant is a small, perfectly biocompatible titanium screw designed to replace the root of a missing natural tooth.

Dental implants are inserted into the bone integrating perfectly, so it becomes a good anchor point for the replacement tooth. the implant can serve as a basis for the reconstruction of different types of individually designed prosthetic replacements: crowns , bridges , prostheses or combined interventions.

The components of the dental implant are:

  • Dental implant (the screw) made of titanium that fits into the bone

  • The abutment which can be in metal or zirconium

  • The screw that joins the abutment to the implant

  • the crown which can be in metal-ceramic or zirconium

Dentisti Albania. Impianto Dentale. Le tecniche applicate.

Traditional techniques for implant insertion involve incision and draining of the gums but with the techniques of modern surgery it is possible to insert the implants without incision of the gums and sutures, reducing pain to zero.

The computer-guided painless implant technique, thanks to some dedicated software, establishes the number and type of implants to be inserted.

Thanks to the use of a template and using a very normal local anesthesia, the implants are applied without incising and ungluing the gums. In this way post-operative pains, bruises and swelling are minimized.

The surgery for the application of a dental implant is quite fast and simple. A patient can undergo surgery for the insertion of dental implants at any age, there is no age limit.

The solutions offered by Union Dental Clinic in Albania are reliable, scientifically tested and excellent from an aesthetic point of view, which provide for standardized procedures with excellent results

Dental implant what are the risks?

The risks to be encountered in the intervention for the insertion of dental implants is very low. It is important to do a thorough medical history to rule out pathologies that could compromise implant success such as decompensated diabetes or the use of bisphosphonate drugs.

There are also some contraindications for which it is not advisable to undergo any dental surgery such as liver cirrhosis , some serious heart problems and the use of drugs. Even those patients undergoing chemotherapy and radiotherapy cannot do dental surgery.

Dental prosthesis. Fixed teeth. The All-on-4 technique

Individual crowns or bridges can be attached to existing teeth or implant holders . The "full-arch" reconstruction, with the "All-on-4" method, allows to obtain optimal results with the use of only 4 implants to support the complete prosthesis , placed immediately. The advantages of this approach are stability, excellent clinical results, prosthetic flexibility and efficacy The "All-on-4" method, performed in shorter times and with minimal levels of discomfort, offers results that can last a lifetime.

Protesi dentaria. Denti fissi. La tecnica  All-on-4

How long does a dental implant last? - Care and maintenance

The dental implants in Union Dental Clinic Tirana are built with first choice and cutting-edge material
A dental implant can last a lifetime but this depends on the care that the patient himself will do for his implants and the regular maintenance of oral hygiene . A system not kept clean in a smoker has a negative effect on its duration .

The dental implant must be cared for and checked regularly, just like natural teeth. Use a toothbrush , floss and brush recommended by your dentist . It is advisable to periodically check-ups by your dentist at least once or twice a year.

The solutions offered by Union Dental Clinic in Albania are reliable, scientifically tested and excellent from an aesthetic point of view, which provide for standardized procedures with excellent results. Based on the needs of each patient, the stomatologist will recommend the choice of the most suitable implantology process .

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