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Dental Care and Therapies in Union Dental Tirana

The entire range of dental services is provided within the dental offices of Union Dental Tirana, from diagnostic imaging (radiographs, orthopantomographies, etc.), to conservative, oral surgery, orthodontics and pediatric orthodontics, up to the preparation of prostheses.

Within the Union dental Tirana specialties such as:

Diagnostic for images

Panoramic and focal dental radiology , which in our centers is performed with digital systems that combine low doses of radiation emitted and high quality diagnostic images. The purpose of the most advanced radiographic diagnostic systems is to give the greatest amount of information with the least amount of exposure to ionizing radiation that this equipment produces.

Diagnostica. Dental x-ray

Implantology - Dental implants

With this term we mean the surgical techniques that see the use of metal elements inserted in the mandibular or maxillary bone; to these are connected fixed or mobile prostheses for the return of normal masticatory functions.

Implantology is the most recent branch of continuous dental research, and has now reached levels of safety, reliability and predictability of success over time, so as to make it optimal for most cases of replacement of dental elements ... read more

Dentisti Albania. Implantologia. Impianti Dentali

Dental prosthesis

Prosthetics deals with restoring or replacing missing dental elements with fixed or removable crowns and bridges. Both fixed and mobile prostheses today, thanks to new technologies and the use of cutting-edge materials, can take advantage of the support given by implants , of real artificial roots that completely replace the missing teeth.

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Protesi dentaria . Union dental Tirana

Oral surgery

Oral surgery involves the extraction of very diseased teeth or roots, or teeth that have remained embedded or semi-embedded in the bone, such as wisdom teeth.

The use of oral surgery takes place in a transversal way in different branches of dentistry , making possible sometimes complex dental rehabilitations. Union Dental specializes in various surgical techniques: Periodontal surgery: care of the tissues supporting the tooth strongly… read more  

Chirurgia Orale. Union Dental Tirana

Conservative therapy , Periodontology, Endodontics, caries treatment

Periodontology - Treatment of Piorrea

Periodontology studies the tissues of the periodontium and related pathologies. It therefore deals with the set of soft tissues (the periodontal ligament and the gum) and hard (cement and alveolar bone tissue) that surround the tooth and ensure its stability in the alveolar arch.

Periodontal Disease (Piorrea) is the disease that affects the periodontium , that is the set of supporting tissues of the teeth (periodontal gingiva ligament and bone): if not adequately treated, it leads to the loss of teeth, even if in perfect condition, to cause of progressive bone resorption… read more

Parodontologia. Cura della piorrea

Prevention in dentistry

Medicine makes extensive use of preventive methods and dentistry , for many years, has recognized prevention as an integral part. The attention is now placed on the importance of oral hygiene , to avoid, through targeted interventions, both minor inconveniences and more complications ...

Endodontics. Conservative therapy - Caries treatment

Endodontics deals with the therapy of the endodontium, that is the space inside the tooth that contains the pulp, which in turn is composed of cells, vessels and nerves. Conservative therapy deals with filling decayed and fractured teeth due to trauma to restore the tooth while preserving as much dental tissue as possible, it is identified with that dental specialty which has as its goal the preservation of dental tissues; in practice it is the treatment of caries. The Conservative is performed on vital teeth, but also on devitalized ones… read more

Dentisti Albania. Endodonzia. La terapia Conservativa

Aesthetics of the intraoral smile

Dental aesthetics deals with the overall improvement of the smile, an objective to which many elements contribute: teeth, bone structure, gums, lips and perioral skin. To obtain an optimal result, the intervention of professionals specialized in aesthetic treatment is necessary.

Aesthetics of the extraoral smile

Modern medicine is increasingly attentive to the concept by now accepted by all that being a healthy person does not only mean being free from disease, but being in a condition of complete physical and mental well-being. Read more

Dentisti Albania. Estetica del sorriso


Orthodontics is the sector of dentistry that deals with the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of malocclusions, present when there is a bad relationship between the upper (maxillary) and lower (mandibular) dental arch.

  • Invisible orthodontics.

The term invisible orthodontics means the possibility of treating patients with malocclusion with innovative systems, invisible appliances that enhance the aesthetics of the smile. Sequence of invisible orthodontic therapy images in the upper and lower arch Invisalign ....... read more

Dentisti Albania. Ortodonzia. Union dental Tirana
  • Lingual orthodontics.

Lingual orthodontics is the dental technique that allows you to apply the brackets of the appliance on the inside (or lingual) of the tooth, making it invisible from the outside. Developed to meet aesthetic needs, lingual orthodontics makes the need to face treatment more acceptable ...   Read more

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